Shutdown Commands For Mac

Close down the system at a given time.
Shutdown provides an automated shutdown procedure for super-users to nicely notify users when the system is shutting down, saving them from system administrators, hackers, and gurus, who would otherwise not bother with such niceties.

At intervals, becoming more frequent as apocalypse approaches and starting at ten hours before shutdown, warning messages are displayed on the terminals of all users logged in.

At shutdown time a message is written in the system log, containing the time of shutdown, who initiated the shutdown and the reason. A terminate signal is then sent to launchd to bring the system down to single-user state (depending on above options).

A scheduled shutdown can be canceled by killing the shutdown process (a SIGTERM should suffice).

Aug 13, 2017 The Mac Terminal offers many commands for handling various tasks and system functions, and so naturally the command line also offers a method to shutdown a Mac computer from the Terminal as well. An important word of warning: shutting down a Mac through the command line. Sometimes you just need to reboot or shut down right away-and we mean right away, with no waiting. Thankfully, whether your Mac is frozen and non-responsive or you just want to shut down and go. If you do feel like putting a delay on the shutdown, you can use the following command syntax instead: sudo shutdown -h +30 (-h parameter set time to shut down, where (+)30 minutes to stop the system). An A-Z Index of the Apple macOS command line (macOS bash) afconvert Audio File Convert afinfo Audio File Info afplay Audio File Play airport Manage Apple AirPort alias Create an alias. alloc List used and free memory apropos Search the whatis database for strings asr Apple Software Restore atsutil Font registration system utility automator Run an Automator workflow awk Find and Replace text.

ShortcutCommandsShutdown Commands For MacShutdown Commands For Mac

/etc/nologin tells login not to let anyone log in
/fastboot tells rc(8) not to run fsck when rebooting
/usr/libexec/upsshutdown - Run a command when the UPS shuts down.



Reboot the machine immediately:
$ sudo shutdown -r now

Send the machine to sleep in 30 minutes:
$ sudo shutdown -s +30

Shutdown the machine in 60 minutes:
$ sudo shutdown -h +60

Restart Mac From Command Line

Cancel any of the above:
$ sudo killall shutdown

“Do all men kill the things they do not love?” ~ The Merchant of Venice

Mac Os Restart From Terminal

Related macOS commands:

kill - Stop a process from running.
login - log into the computer.
osascript - shutdown/restart via AppleScript.
pmset - sleep now.
sudo poweroff
wall - write a message to users.
reboot - Stop and restart the system.
uptime - Show how long system has been running.

Force Shutdown Command For Mac

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